Test be4 Fly

Assalamualaikum w.m.b.t.,

Segala puji bagi Allah tuhan semesta alam. Selawat & salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w..

Alhamdulillah sehingga kini roh masih bersama jasad. Terima kasih ya Allah utk peluang ini. Maka, berpeluanglah juga aku untuk mencoret serba sedikit pd malam ni.

Malam ni merupakan penantian yg ke 16 hari dari tarikh yg sepatutnya. Tarikh apa tu? hmm you should be asking what's going on actually right??  Hehe.

Okay, let me tell you. It should be me and fmly will perform umrah on 26/5 but hmm hmm, there's one thing that we still can't fly till now. VISAAAA. Visa still tak dapat. How sad I am.

There's other part when 'iman' tak katang, I blame my faith and asked Him why this happened to me and fmly. Because you know how desperately I want fly to Madinah and Mekah. How i missed to see kaabah infront of my eyes.

But out of sudden, aku beristighfar. Aku pujuk balik hati. Allah want the best for us.
Allah nak test this whole family with this penangguhan. And know am still keep praying and ask Him to ease everything smoothly. 

And inshaa allah if we get visa on this week, we'll fly next week. Aku harap secepat yg mungkin because on 23 Jun aku dh kena register KIPSAS. #prayforme

Last but not least, DOAKAN AKUU YEE! hehe. Okaylah Selamat Bobokk. Nanite evelibadi. Semoga Allah merahmati kehidupan kalian. Assalamualaikum... 

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